PRESS RELEASE - 05 Jun 2020

Early detection of Cancer by proven Japanese Technology using non-invasive Salivary Screening
Services for Pancreas, Lung, Colon, Oral & Breast Cancer in South Asian countries, soon

5th June 2020, Chennai, India: “A proven Japanese technology to screen the salivary metabolomes which is now available through a 700 clinic network throughout Japan for five types of cancers, Lung, Pancreas, Colon, Breast & Oral Cancers will be soon made available for the Indian sub-continent also,” said Dr. Makoto Sunamura, a Surgical Gastroenterologist and founder of this technology, today during an academic webinar hosted by Mizoram University and Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), India.

His presentation was organized by Prof.K.R.S.Sambasiva Rao, Vice-Chancellor of the University, which was attended by physicians, scientists and oncologists from all over Asia.  Worldwide there are nearly 337,872 new cases of pancreatic cancer diagnosed every year and it causes more than a quarter of a million deaths annually. The incidence in India is 2.4 per 100,000 people but it is a highly lethal cancer with a mortality to incidence ratio of 98 %. Deaths due to pancreatic cancer are very high because it is usually detected only in advanced stages.

Breast cancer accounts for 2.09 million cases and 627000 deaths globally with 1 in 28 Indian women prone to get this cancer. Mammogram still remains the gold standard for screening for breast cancer but there are hurdles with mammogram such as difficulty in evaluation when there is dense breast tissue apart from the discomfort during the procedure.

Dr. Sunamura’s saliva screening technology overcomes these hurdles seen with pancreatic and breast cancers’ screening as it has high sensitivity in early cancer detection for the five types of cancers mentioned and it is a painless and non-invasive screening procedure. Just, 2 ml of saliva is sufficient, which needs to be shipped to Salivatech lab in Japan, where the risk of all these five types of cancers can be evaluated with high precision. The screening service made available in 2017 in Japan has already proven its track record after screening thousands of cancer patients with pancreatic cancer and other cancers mentioned above. This technology uses metabolites called polyamines in saliva to screen for these cancers and their levels directly correlate with cancer progression.

This polyamine-based technology is different from genetic screening of cancers using DNA because DNA based cancer screening tests helps estimate your chance of developing cancer in your lifetime and the risk once evaluated is same throughout life. However, these polyamines get dynamically altered in the saliva based on cancer initiation and progression in your body and hence are more valuable in cancer screening”, said Mr. K. John Victor, consultant, GN Corporation Co. Ltd from Japan who are propagating this technology to South Asian countries through their initiative called CANiSTOP ( jointly with Salivatech Inc. Japan and  collaborating institutes in Japan. In India M/s Medi Nippon Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, will handle local coordination to make the service available through medical practitioners, clinics & hospitals.  

CANiSTOP testing is suggested at regular intervals for those with risk of cancer due to family history or other relevant factors. If the CANiSTOP testing reveals them have a higher risk of developing a specific cancer, that would alert them undergo relevant diagnostic tests for an early confirmation; should a cancer be developing, timely therapeutic intervention will lead to a better clinical outcome. Physicians, Clinicians and Hospitals who are interested in a collaboration may contact the CANiSTOP team through one of the contact modes as per details given below.

News in Media: Chennai Patrika